Tuesday, August 19, 2008
MM wallpaper and Logo

Working on some server ads

Update: Heavy - Weapons
1. The Sandvich (He'll satisfy your hunger - for revenge!)
The Sandvich is the Heavy’s first unlockable. It tastes as good as it looks and heals 120 health. Like in real life, the decision to eat a Sandvich must not be taken lightly; The Heavy is completely vulnerable during the four second eating process, and his loud, happy sounds of vigorous chewing will draw enemies like tiny ant cowards to a picnic. OF DEATH. On the bright side, the Heavy’s Sandvich supply is unlimited, so his only real concern is being caught short while enjoying this delicious edible device. The Sandvich is a great tool for a Heavy defending an area, as it gives him the ability to replenish health between enemy waves without having to abandon his post. Similarly, an offensive Heavy without a Medic can step back from the front line and grab a quick snack before resuming his rampage. Beware, however: the Heavy must set aside his shotgun to take the Sandvich, and enemy Snipers are much more dangerous for a Heavy wielding only a minigun. "Meet The Sandvich" video can be seen here.
2. Natascha (Now Sasha - don't be jealous)
The Heavy's second unlockable, Natascha, slows enemies with her bullets. Anyone damaged by her will move slower for an instant, encouraging them to find cover or turn and face the Heavy, mano-a-tiny-itty-bitty-mano. Unfortunately, Natascha is slightly weaker than Sasha, so she takes longer to finish off a victim. As a result, Natascha's great against fleeing cowards, such as Scouts & Medics, and less great against anyone actively trying to kill her master. Heavies that like to jump around corners and surprise groups of startled enemy crybabies will also find her very useful, although they should look for a Sasha-wielding enemy Heavy before they leap.
3. The Killing Gloves Of Boxing (In this corner - the defending Russian heavyweight)
The unlockable for the Heaviest pugilists out there is the K.G.B. Any time a Heavy kills an enemy with the K.G.B he receives five seconds of guaranteed critical hits. This crit-boost can be used to punch and kill further enemies, extending the boost time. Alternatively, the Heavy can switch to another weapon and use the boost to take out an enemy at range. The Heavy's slow movement speed, and the K.G.B's slower swing speed, make it a risky prospect.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Description taken from Valve's blog
Description taken from Valve's blog
Arena Maps
Description taken from Valve's blog
New Game Mode: Arena Mode
TF2 Arena keeps the class diversity of Team Fortress 2 while focusing goals around combat between two teams. Where other game modes lean towards a broad overall strategy for the team over a number of lives, Arena concentrates on the specific tactical choices the teams make in a single fight.
Arena features smaller maps that play out in shorter periods of time. The round ends once one team has no players left in the arena, or when the central capture point has unlocked and been captured. Rounds tend to be very fast and highly competitive, with an emphasis on your team’s class makeup and your plan to counter the opposing team’s class choices. Arena mode is great for smaller matches of three vs. three players, while still comfortably supporting huge knockdown twelve-on-twelve brawls.
Arena Class Strategies
Health pick-ups are limited in TF2 Arena (some levels don’t have any Health packs at all) so being careful is a good strategy for any class. As well, with so little health available, having a Medic or a Health dispenser-building Engineer on your team can be a crucial element to success. With their reconnaissance abilities, the Scout and Spy play a far more vital role in Arena than in other game modes. Knowing the location of the enemy team can often mean the difference between a win and a loss. The Soldier and Demoman will find many areas in Arena specifically designed for them to get a vertical advantage. Traditional Heavy/Medic pairings will still be highly useful as the anchor to a good Arena team. However, commit too far in this direction and the enemy can quickly overwhelm you with Snipers and Spies. In Arena, water is as scarce as Health. This makes the Pyro a much deadlier class, as any enemy player he sets on fire with his flamethrower or flare gun will be unable to put out the flames. Igniting enemies quickly, then retreating to safety, can be an effective strategy for the Pyro.
Description taken from Valve's blog
Heavy Achievements Revealed
Iron Kurtain: Take 1000 points of damage in a single life.
Party Loyalty: Kill 50 enemies within 3 seconds of them attacking your Medic.
Division of Labor: Kill 20 enemies with a Medic assisting you, where neither of you di
Red Oktoberfest: Earn a domination for a Medic who's healing you.
Show Trial: Kill an enemy with a taunt.
Crime and Punishment: Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence.
Class Struggle: Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair.
Soviet Block : While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement.
Stalin the Kart: Block the enemy from moving the payload cart 25 times.
Supreme Soviet: Get ubered 50 times.
Factory Worker: Kill 20 enemies while being recharged by a dispenser.
Soviet Union: Get 25 enemy kills where you either assist or are assisted by another Heavy.
Own the Means of Production: Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them
Krazy Ivan: Kill 100 enemies while both you and your victim are underwater.
Rasputin: In a single life, get shot, burned, bludgeoned, and receive explosive damage.
Icing on the Cake: Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating.
Crock Block: Survive a direct hit from a critical rocket.
Kollectivization: Get 1000 assists.
Spyalectical Materialism: Kill or assist in killing 10 cloaked spies.
Permanent Revolution: Kill 5 enemies without spinning down your gun
Heavy Industry: Fire $200,000 worth of minigun rounds in a single life.
Communist Mani-Fisto: Kill an enemy with a critical punch.
Redistribution of Health: Heal 1000 damage with med-kits in a single life.
Rationing: Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo.
Vanguard Party: Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a round.
Pushkin the Kart: Get 50 caps on payload maps.
Marxman: Kill 10 enemies in mid-air with the minigun.
Gorky Parked: Kill 25 enemies while you're standing on a control point you own.
Purge: Kill 15 enemies capturing a control point you own.
Lenin A Hand: Help 5 teammates get revenge on their nemeses.
Five Second Plan: Kill an enemy in the first 5 seconds after you exit a teleporter.
Photostroika: Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting while invulnerable.
Konspicuous Konsumption: Eat 100 sandviches.
Don't Touch Sandvich: Kill 50 scouts using Natascha.
Borscht Belt: Kill 10 heavies with The K.G.B.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Unlike Gold Rush, where the track is split into three separate stages, Badwater Basin uses a single large stage with several checkpoints. As a result, the Blu team is highly encouraged to push the cart hard after beating their way through the Red defensive line.
Screenshots below:
Description taken from Valve's blog
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Description taken from Valve's blog, sounds like an interesting twist.