Monday, July 28, 2008

Two New Members

Thanks to Curlyjoepreacher; we now have two new members: BoosT and Derek. Derek is 13, and though we have a minimum age of 15, we do admit younger members on a case by case basis.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Memento Mori: CounterStrike: Source

Since CSS is already an extremely popular game, and 65% of our members already seem to have it, MM is branching out to establish a clan in CSS.

BTW: If you do have a Google account, then you can obviously log in with it to comment, if you don't already have one, I highly suggest registering for a free and very convenient Gmail account.

New Logo

MM now has it's own custom logo, it has been posted on the clan's Steam page as well as it's gaming group (also, on Steam), and official blog. Our previous logo, while it may have looked pretty, did not actually belong to us and was meant to be only temporary as we did not have the rights to use it.

Our new logo, courtesy of RawMeat3000, who has donated his time in order to make our current logo as well as several others (while they may not be in use, they may make an appearance in the future).

This latest update to our image means that we are now more easily recognizable, as we are attempting to maintain a more "professional" image than some other clans. Major corporations have clean, simple logos that are easily recognizable, why shouldn't we have the same?

Thanks to everybody who's willing to donate their time and money to help us!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

New minimum age: 15

If you haven't done so already, please read the post about Bloody Death's eviction from the clan for background information on this new decision.

The new minimum age for the MM clan is now 15, this is for several reasons, one of them being maturity. Sure, online games don't require much, but when you have to work as a team (TEAM fortress) a certain level of maturity and responsibility is required for enjoyable co-operative gameplay.

For those mature for their age, they are still welcome, although admins and clan player would still have to make sure that they act accordingly if they with to be associated with the MM clan.

Would you like your clan to be associated with mic spammers, n00bs, cheap "your mother" jokes, and more? No? Neither do we.

BloodyDeath Kicked From Clan

Blood Death has been kicked, as the above headline suggests. This was however, due to his erratic behavior, here is a brief description of what happened:

Approx. 2 hrs ago, during a TF2 match, Bloody Death (without any warning whatsoever), advertised to about 10 people (most of which were in other clans already) that he was starting his own clan, and that he was looking for new members. . . . . So as you can understand, nobody was happy when a member (Still wearing MM tags, by the way) announced he was recruiting new members for his clan. . . . on our server. . . . while still wearing our tags. . .

His actions were selfish and ignorant, and he was therefore, kicked out of the MM clan. Interestingly enough, after being evicted, and speaking to Striker about the difficulties of starting your own clan, he had decided to come back and asked us to allow him re-entry, he was immediately denied.

And for those of you wondering why he chose to advertise on our clan's server: He didn't want to "Go though the trouble of setting up his own server". If you don't want to go though the trouble of doing such menial things, then why start your own clan at all? He clearly hasn't thought it through.

Good-bye Bloody Death, I can safely say; you will NOT be missed.

UPDATE: As it turns out, though he said he was 14, he was in fact 12. Now, while some 12 year-old's are mature for their age, he clearly wasn't (Lying about your age: not very mature). Now I just can't see a 12 year old who is too hard-headed to think ahead for even five minutes, setting up a successful clan with mature members and well designed web-site and server. It's because of this, that we're now imposing a minimum age of 14 (see above post for more details).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kelevra's Sniper Video - OrangeX

Kelevra made a video of him sniping on the fantastic Orange X, click here to check it out.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


To all MM members who haven't done so already, please add the clan tags to your name.
ex. [MM]Name(State Abbreviation)

We ask everybody to do this so that members can more easily identify one-another while playing. Any members who don't add their tags withing a week's time, will be personally addressed by a clan admin.

WARNING: Failure to add the tags can result in expulsion from the clan.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

More New Recruits

As of today, Memento Mori has four new members:

-BKL Scout......Kick ass scout....really!
-Mr_tac.....our newest spy
-Bite Sized Faggot.....Your name is comedic genius.....when speaking to him in-game and using his name, I challenge you not to laugh.....also a kick ass pyro