Thursday, July 24, 2008

BloodyDeath Kicked From Clan

Blood Death has been kicked, as the above headline suggests. This was however, due to his erratic behavior, here is a brief description of what happened:

Approx. 2 hrs ago, during a TF2 match, Bloody Death (without any warning whatsoever), advertised to about 10 people (most of which were in other clans already) that he was starting his own clan, and that he was looking for new members. . . . . So as you can understand, nobody was happy when a member (Still wearing MM tags, by the way) announced he was recruiting new members for his clan. . . . on our server. . . . while still wearing our tags. . .

His actions were selfish and ignorant, and he was therefore, kicked out of the MM clan. Interestingly enough, after being evicted, and speaking to Striker about the difficulties of starting your own clan, he had decided to come back and asked us to allow him re-entry, he was immediately denied.

And for those of you wondering why he chose to advertise on our clan's server: He didn't want to "Go though the trouble of setting up his own server". If you don't want to go though the trouble of doing such menial things, then why start your own clan at all? He clearly hasn't thought it through.

Good-bye Bloody Death, I can safely say; you will NOT be missed.

UPDATE: As it turns out, though he said he was 14, he was in fact 12. Now, while some 12 year-old's are mature for their age, he clearly wasn't (Lying about your age: not very mature). Now I just can't see a 12 year old who is too hard-headed to think ahead for even five minutes, setting up a successful clan with mature members and well designed web-site and server. It's because of this, that we're now imposing a minimum age of 14 (see above post for more details).

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